Memory Flashes

How the Backstory of Natural JellHeads are written out.
Ever wondered on why and how we know about some of our Natural JellHeads backstories?
Well, it's because of some special individuals we have on our team!
They are somehow able to create a connection with those Natural JellHeads and talk about, how the JellHeads "memory" flashes before their eyes.
It's compared with how dreams work!
You get to see the JellHeads life flash in mere seconds (Real time), but it feels like hours inside the memory flash.
Once the memory flash is over, a lot of information may have been lost already, just like dreams!
It's like having a dream, but when waking up you forgett most parts of it.
After the memory flash is over, the information has to be interpreted most of the time.
That means, that some information about those Natural JellHeads may or may not be interpreted right.
The reason why only some individuals are able to somehow build up a connection to those JellHeads and receive flashes of memories is unknown.
One of them for example never wanted to agree to undergo any full body scans or any examinations by our experts. 
It does feel like they are hiding something from us. Suspicous!
[This is not a call out post directed to that specific person.
But if you see this, we are still happy and also lucky to have you lead our researches! <3]