Anatomy of Jell

A more in depth Anatomy of Jell
Marked Jell:
The whole body of Jell is marked to be able to differentiate parts of the JellHead.
The Core/Main Jell is Jell surrounding the Core. It's the most dense area with the most compressed Jell.
It acts as extra protection for the core and is generally more dense for being in the center of the body and having Jell constantly be created in the core. This compressed Jell can be turned into a deadly weapon.
By applying more energy into compressing it and almost crystalizing it, adding more pressure to it and then releasing it out of the Hosts body, it will speed out like a bullet.
Jell in Limbs are less dense than the core, but still stable enough to hold the body upright. If it was too dense, the body would loose it's flexibility. Without it, it would lose stability.
Overflowing Jells are marked as outside Jells, that act mostly as the Jells outside sensory, which can sense the environment and send back those information to the core.
The very end of the Overflowing Jells are mostly marked as Waste Jell. 
It's the part where waste materials are transported too via inner Jell and then later separated from the Jellbody to be released.
It's the little blobs of Jell we sometimes see float away. In rare cases, these Waste Jellblobs turn into what we know as JellBeans.
Jellblobs that have energy stored in their inner Jell by accident, and don't evaporate/dissolve so quickly.
Outer Jell:

Outer Jell is the outer and protective layer of Jell. It is more light in weight and gives the whole Jell the floating attribute.
But despite being so light, it also is can also have a very dense outer layer that protects from outside danger. 
It has most of its sensory in this Jell, such as touch, smell and "hearing" using vibrations.
With those senses, it can either "open up" by loosening the Jell density to allow food inside, or dense up to repel anything from outside.
Outer Jell is used to create Jellskin that is used to close off wounds completly.
Inner Jell:
Inner Jell is the inner transporting and digestion Jell. It digests and dissolves materials and breaks them down to transport them around the Jell.
It supplies the whole Jell with energy and works similar to blood.
Compared to Outer Jell, Inner Jell is very thick and more liquid-y. It also evaporates and dries faster than Outer Jell and is very sticky.
Based on new information, when a JellHead is wounded, it is actually inner Jell that closes off the wound, by clogging the opening and drying out, leaving a rubbery seal.
Once the wound is sealed by Jellskin, the Jellrubber falls off.
Due to malfunctions in Jell, it can happen that some Jells are not able to keep Inner Jell in place for not being dense enough.
The outer Jell can either bend down making it look droopy, or even not be able to hold back the Inner Jell and have it fully drip out of the Jell.
Because of the mess it causes, this "mutation" was never released for the public. Especially to keep the floors from being sticky daily.