Comments on JellHeads Secret Easter Bunny Applications! (CLOSED!)

Chaosmosis Avatar

Username: Chaosmosis
Discord Name: Mooo#8245
JellHead to be drawn: None.
Are you willing to be a back-up artist?: Yes
Are you sure you have enough time to finish it until 23th?: Yes

2022-04-10 20:36:59

The-Creative-Sketchy Avatar

It is now the time to send your Secret Easter Bunny drawing!

Have a Happy Easter!

2022-04-24 09:10:09

The-Creative-Sketchy Avatar

The target has been sent!
Don't forget to send the finished art on the JellHeads gallery on 24th April only!

And don't forget to notify me when your adult Jellhead got approved and officially on the masterlist!

2022-04-11 14:50:38 (Edited 2022-04-11 14:51:13)