
Patterned (Artificial)

Category: Mutations

The JellHead is able to create and hold patterns on its Jell.
Ignores "No patterns, gradient only" rule.
Patterns do not mean that the Jell can form/shape differently.

Applied on: Inner, Outer Jell , JellSkin and/or Jellbits

Fully Light Jell (Artificial)

Category: Mutations

The Jell Floats straight up into the air and appears very light.
The flow can not be controlled and remains very light.

Applied: On Jell

Can't be applied with Fully Heavy Jell

No Transparency (Artificial)

Category: Mutations

Jell is non transparent and not see-through.
Ignores Jell Transparency/Opacity rule.

Applied on: Inner or Outer Jell

Can't be applied with Full Transparency

Fully Heavy Jell (Artificial)

Category: Mutations

The Jell Floats straight to the bottom and appears very heavy.
The flow can not be controlled and remains heavy.

Applied: On Jell

Can't be applied with Fully Light Jell

JellSkin (Artificial)

Category: Mutations
Species: JellHead

The JellHead has replaced parts of their hosts body with hardened but flexible Jell.
The JellSkin is made out of either Inner or Outer Jell and will also take the same mutations as the that Jell.

Applied: Neck, Breast, Body, Tail,  Limbs

When applying Mutations to or 6-[Limbs], it can always be applied in pairs of two  6-[Limbs].
For example, you can apply JellSkin on both front paws with only one mutation instead of having to use two mutations!

Glittery (Artificial)

Category: Mutations

The JellHead is able to create glitter inside their Jell.
Glitter can be of any color and can be multicolored, as well as come in many similar sizes and shapes.
Glittery has the same origin as Copy trinkets after all

Applied: inside Jell


Copy Trinkets​ (Artificial)

Category: Mutations

The JellHead is able to create copy trinkets inside their Jell.
Copy Trinkets can not be larger than the JellHeads and have to be of reasonable size.
These trinkets can not serve any function or be alive (example: functioning radio, swimming fish)
The Mutation only creates Trinkets of one type (example: marbles, stickers, pens)

Copy Trinkets only remain inside the Jell or on the Jell, but never outside the Jell!!!

Applied: in Jell

JellBits (Artificial)

Category: Mutations


The JellHeads is able to have simple shaped JellBits around it.
​Like strings or blobs of Jell.
They can either float or be attached to the JellHeads Host, but never attached to flowing Jell!
Their placement mirrors the other Jellbit, if in pairs!
​They do not serve any functions and can not be controlled!

Note: The JellBit has to be made of only the outer jell. Like a solidified version of it.
max of 2 bits per mutation

If color mutations have been applied to the outer Jell, they will also take effect on the Jellbits!

Applied on: Any

Can be stacked to create additional 1-2 Jellbits

Missing Jell​ (Artificial)

Category: Mutations

The JellHead gives out the illusion of missing their inner Jell.

Applied on: Inner Jell

Can't be stacked

Color Changing (Artificial)

Category: Mutations

The Jell is able to change to one alternate Color palette.

Applied on: Whole Jell/ All Jell-related parts

Stacking this gives the Jell additional alternate color palettes


Full Transparency (Artificial)

Category: Mutations

The Jell can be fully transparent and see-through.
Ignores Jell Transparency/Opacity rule.

Applied on: Inner or Outer Jell

Can't be applied with No Transparency

MultiColor (Artificial)

Category: Mutations

The Jell can have any amount of colors and ignores the color limit!
Even full rainbow!

Applied on: Inner and Outer Jell, includes other Jells such as JellSkin/Bits

Shaped JellBits (Artificial)

Category: Combinations
Species: JellHead

etc. Go wild

Patterned + Jellbits

The Jellparts can have one custom form other than just blobs and strings. Like triangles and more!
They can not be bigger than the JellHeads own size
They can either float or be attached to the JellHeads Host, but never attached to flowing Jell!
Their placement mirrors the other Jellbit, if in pairs!
​They do not serve any functions and can not be controlled!

Just like Jellbits, they can come in a pair of 2 Jellbits!

The Jellbits have to be made of only the outer jell. Like a solidified version of it.

If color mutations have been applied to the outer Jell, they will also take effect on the Jellbits!

Need: 2 Mutations

Applied: Any


Transparency Control (Artificial)

Category: Combinations
Species: JellHead

Color Change + Full Transparency + No Transparency

The JellHead can fully change the transparency of their Jell

Need: 3 Mutations

Applied: Inner or Outer Jell

Alternative JellDesign (Artificial)

Category: Combinations

Color Change + 2x Patterned

The Jell can switch to one alternative Design, including color and pattern.

Need: 3 Mutations

Applied: Whole Jell

Stacking this can add one additional alternative JellDesigns!

Alternative Trinkets (Artificial)

Category: Combinations


Color Change + 2x Copy Trinkets

JellHead can switch between two types of Copy Trinkets that it creates.

Need: 3 Mutations

Applied: Jell

Stacking this adds one alternative copy trinket

Extreme Flow Control (Artificial)

Category: Combinations
Species: JellHead

Color Change + Fully Heavy Jell + Fully Light Jell

Gives the Jell the ability to control the JellFlow to either be normal, fully heavy or fully light.

Need: 3 Mutations

Applied: Jell

Can not be stacked

Shapeshifting JellBits (Artificial)

Category: Combinations
Species: JellHead

Color Change + Patterned + JellBits

Allows the JellBits to shapeshift into one alternative form.

Need: 3 Mutations

Applied: Any 

Glitter Trail (Artificial)

Category: Combinations

Glittery + Jellbits

The Glitter can appear both inside but also outside the Jell.
Glitter can be of any color and can be multicolored, as well as come in similar sizes and shapes.
Glittery has the same origin as Copy trinkets after all

It has the same characteristics as outer jell and will also seperate and flow out of the Jell.
Will also disappear after a while like outer Jell.
Because of it, it looks like creating a trail of glitter.

Needs: 2 Mutations

Applied: Jell


19 results found.