<a href="https://jellheads.com/world/items?name=JotM Card | O-002" class="display-item">JotM Card | O-002</a>

JotM Card | O-002

Category: Cards

Reference Link: https://jellheads.com/character/O-002

Everyone's seen the pictures sent to us of little Al Chemist in his new home,
but what most consumers don't know is that Al was one of the first documented JellHeads of the lab.
And what's more, one of the only few documented naturally-occurring JellHeads!

Though long ago the little graveyard bird had stumbled out of our labs and into the night,
it seems he's found a safe and easy home with some other undocumented species,
who took one look at his chip and sent us a letter for us to know he's alright.

Happy to see our little hopping friend find a home of his own,
we delight in stories of his crypt adventures and the work he does for the cemetery.
We're certain that one day, we'll meet again, even if it's through a layer of dirt.
~JellScientist Shou



Limited JellHead of the Month prompt