Keeping Memories

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Keeping Memories
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In Prompt Art / Literature ・ By spiritburn

HCMI is being a menace to all things pumpkin, smashing them while Maya was trying to work on making Jack-O-Lanterns. At least Wonder is just exploring and not slowing down the progress.


Yorunee looked up from her spell books, where she was looking for some way to change the flame colors of her candles. After having found what she was looking for, she was greeted with this site and had to take a picture of it. Proxi Nightvenom is laying down, curled up and possibly asleep ("How does one know with a jellhead?) with a small collection of shards. More shards are laying around, which seems to have Bubbagum's attention. Maybe he thinks they are food. Draydee is queen of the books! Well, more so, she tried to eat the book, and it wasn't desolving, so she climbed on top of it instead. And there's no telling how Tara got flipped upside down, but they definitely need some help to get right side up again.


DM is being a massive help in decorating for the season as he tapes up the paper bats everywhere. However, it looks like he might be using more tape than necessary and has run out. Well, he'll get more and will be right back to covering the walls in no time.

Submitted By spiritburn for Capture the momentView Favorites
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

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