Tame Beans

JellHead Company inside JellCore Research

Can be joined by users.

Specialize in JellBean and Mini-JellHeads

One of the smaller companies that specialise in JellBeans and the new addition of Mini-JellHeads. Working there is probably very nice...
With their focus on JellBeans, they create special equipment and other gear to keep JellBeans, as they need some amount of care to not dissolve, as they are JellHead by-products that can not feed themself and constantly need energy.
But also other fun things such as accessoiry and more for them.
Recently, many buildings have rebuilt their JellBean rooms to also keep Mini-JellHeads and offer Daycare services for those, as most of them have a lot of spare time.
So not only do they tend to JellBeans, but also Mini-JellHeads now! All of them are built with a store, comparable with pet stores!