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JellBean Research

JellBean Research

Category: Event Prompt



Having seen the JellBean Crossword, you feel like there is still a lot of information missing on these little Jellblobs.
You take it on yourself to figure out more about the, researching them and getting more details.
Why always lay the focus on JellHead submissions, if you can focus on the desired byproduct that they create!

You want to figure out about JellBeans, research them on your own even.
Draw or write your character studying and researching JellBeans.
Or create your own information sheet on JellBeans with informations you have learned or believe are true!
Information don't have to be 100% canon and may even be made up to fit you / your character!
Write and draw what you believe is true about the beans!
JellBean Anatomy, Conspiracy, Edibility, Top 10 JellBean Ranking,
Theories on Event JellBeans and their unusual shapes, How to create Jell at home recipe
JellHeads and JellBeans types etc.

  • 10 Research points
  • +Bonus reward( Shards/ Jellbeans chance)
  • Shard Reward*

Shard Reward is calculated based on your Submission! Scoring Guide
Character Requirement
  • Original Character 
  • or JellBean if drawing an information sheet



Art Requirement

  • Halfbody
    or JellBean with written out information

Literature Requirement

  • 300 words


Reward Amount
Research Points 10
1- JellHead Discovery 1



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