[EVENT] Unknown JellBean Discovery! #2

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by MWINS

A new unknown JellBean has been discovered again!
Are you the one who discovered it? How does it looks like?
No worries, you get to keep it afterwards!

How it works

Every month, a new Unknown JellBean Discovery Event starts.
The Event starts in the middle of the month (14-16th) and submissions are open for 1 week!
You create and design a Unknown JellBean and submit it to the Event folder.
Once that week is over, it is voting time for another 1 week.
The JellBean Design with the most favourites wins and gets added to the database as a new item, once it has been finalized!
And the winner gets to keep the JellBean as an Item aswell.

Winners will be put on cooldown for 2 months, to give others a chance!
JellBeans with the same amount of favourites will have a dice decide. 

For more updates and info, feel free to join our Discord!
Have fun!


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